The Official Betting Market in Sports
The official betting market is the primary method for placing wagers on games that are sanctioned by a sport’s governing body. This includes professional, collegiate, and amateur competitions. It is an important aspect of sports betting because it allows the bookmakers to set odds based on the perceived probability that a team will win a game, as well as the likelihood that specific events will occur. The legalization of sports betting has allowed the official markets to expand. In turn, this has made them more profitable for the regulating bodies. However, it has also led to more controversy. In particular, the introduction of official betting has raised concerns over whether the governing bodies are trying to control the betting market.
Until recently, the NFL was fighting hard to keep sports betting restricted to Nevada. But since the Supreme Court’s ruling, they have done a 180-degree flip on their stance and are embracing it in many ways. In fact, they’re now partnering with sports books and are even providing data. The result has been a surge in interest in the official betting market, which will only continue to grow as more states legalize it.
But while the NFL is embracing the new world of legal sports betting, other leagues have not been so welcoming. The NBA and MLB, for example, have been pushing for official data mandates in state-regulated sports betting. These laws would force private operators into commercial agreements with the leagues while granting one party what amounts to a monopoly on data. In the eyes of many in the industry, these data mandates are a bad idea and will not help to provide the integrity lawmakers are seeking in legal US sports betting.
In baseball, there is a long-standing rule against gambling on games that players and umpires are involved with. It is known as Rule 21, and it is posted on dugout walls in every ballpark. Anyone who violates this rule can be banned from the sport forever. And in addition to being banned from gambling, such people are barred from the Baseball Hall of Fame.
In football, the rules are more complex, but they are similar to baseball’s in that betting on any event that a player or manager is associated with is prohibited. Exceptions are made for match officials and club employees at FA Level 4 or below, who are only banned with respect to matches that they are involved in or can affect. They can still bet on the outcome of those matches as long as their employer does not prohibit them from doing so. The NFL, in particular, has a more restrictive prohibition that extends to any activity that could interfere with the integrity of a game.